
Thursday, June 4, 2020

polar bear fact

Polar Bear
Polar Bears are big white and furry. Polar Bears can grow up to  3 metres tall or 8 feet tall. Polar Bears have black skin and a layer of fat to help keep them warm. They have sharp teeth and a large black nose. Polar Bears have large black flat paws. They have a tiny white tail and tiny ears. Their skin is transparent which means it reflects the snow. Polar Bears have sharp claws. 

They eat lots of different foods. Polar Bears eat seals and they eat fish. They also eat penguins and whales. 

They live near the north pole. Polar Bears live in Greenland and Norway. The sun does not rise in the winter it is very cold. They live in Iceland and Canada. The bear digs dens in the sloppy ice to keep warm. They face some danger during a storm. Polar bears have danger from humans because they could kill them for their fur. They have some danger from storms. Global warming is melting the ice
that they travel across


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  2. Hi Ansu
    I really enjoyed reading you information report you have included so many interesting facts about the polar bears. Everything from what they eat to where they live. I wonder of next time you could add an interesting question or a quirky fact to the introduction of your report?


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