
Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Hi I am going to tell you about rhinos and what they eat, and I am going to tell you about what they look like and the dangers they face.


Rhinos are a big, grey animal. Rhinos horns are made of keratin- like our fingernails. Male Rhinos use their horns to fight. A rhino's horns grow to be about 1.3 metres long. Some Rhinos have narrow pointed lips.

Rhinos live in the jungle. Rhinos live in lots of different countries such as Nepal, India, Malaysia and  Indonesia. Most Rhinos now have to live in wildlife reserves to keep them safe from predators like humans who hunt them for their horns.

Rhinos eat a lot of different food.They eat grass and plants.They also eat leaves and trees.

Rhinos have many dangers.Humans poach them for their horn.Their habitat is being turned into farmland.climate change can cause draughts this means they have to travel long distances for water.

I hope you have learnt something about Rhinos. 

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