
Monday, September 28, 2020

Friday, September 18, 2020

Thursday, September 17, 2020

students summit 2020

 hi am ansu and I came from wigram primary school Today we had students summit which most of you know. Well basically other different school were doing it to I learnt how to blog scratch and google drawing.  

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Giraffe stuck up a tree

 Giraffe stuck up a tree

Bob was a very tall giraffe and he liked to eat wet grass in the jungle. It was a sunny day and the sky was very blue and there were white clouds.  The big  green trees were swaying in the wind and there was a smell of dusty dirt and wet delicious grass and the sound of birds chirping in the sky. 

Then a tiger comes running out from a bush so the giraffe runs and rams because he was scared. The giraffe was worried where to go then he saw a tree in front of him so he jumped and climbed the tree. There was another issue. He got stuck up in the tree.   Bob was calling out for help, but now one could hear him. 

Bob was trying to get out of the tree but he could not get off the tree. He was worried and  scared how to get down, his arms hurt because he was trying to get off the tree, but he could see a beautiful view. 

Two days passed but no one came to help him. two men were swimming in a lake.  Bob was screaming Help! Help! But they could  not hear  because he was too far away. When they finished swimming, they were going home. Bob screamed as loud as he could,really loud. Someone heard Bob so he said to his friend hey look at the giraffe. 

Then the men ran to the giraffe. Then some people came to cut the tree and grabbed him.  He was so happy that he got down off the tree.

I,am a blue level in my writing 

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

This week's create task. 10 facts about tongan

This week we were learning about Tonga.

My first task was to find 10 Tongan words. The second task was to write 10 facts about the country.

Here are my videos.


Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Don 't let the pigeon drive the car.

  Don 't let the pigeon drive the car.


 Don 't let the pigeon Drive the car because he might destroy the car. Then the pigeon came and said can I drive the car? He said no because I got an order to not let the pigeon drive the car.The pigeon said please only on The Block. Then he said ok and the pigeon got to drive the car Then the car owner came and took the car home.